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I chose to explore the Mercedes Benz company, because I have always admired their style and quality of vehicles.
Mercedes Benz is a multinational automotive corporation based in Germany. The corporate value of their work is based on respect, passion, discipline, and integrity. Mercedes Benz is a member of the United Nations Global Compact and is committed to the global responsibility. The Global Compact, “provides a universal language for corporate responsibility and provides a framework to guide all business regardless of size, complexity or location”. Most companies participate in the UN Global Compact, because 1) to increase trust in the company. 2) the principles and 3) to promote action on sustainability within the company. The corporate sustainability begins with the company’s value system and the principles to doing business. By incorporating the principles into the strategies, policies, and procedures, the company upholds their responsibility to the people and set a stage for long-term success. The UN Global Compacts requires the company to produce an annual communication on their progress (CoP) along with the strategies and operations they will use to support their principles. Mercedes, a Germany based company, is one of the leading suppliers of luxury cars. The automaker also produces their luxury automobiles in the United States. The US business is governed by both domestic and international sources. This ensures that there are no laws broken and that the company is contributing properly to the countries they produce in.