Exercise 4: Motivational Theories (Chapter 5)


This is one of the most important chapters in the text given it serving as  foundational for Organizational Behavior activity.


Question 1: Re-read the case of Patagonia, which of the perks that the organization offers would be most motivating to you and why?


Question 2: Do you think that the Patagonia company culture contributes to a positive work/life balance for its employees? How might this relate to one of the motivational theories? Review the other theories in chapter 4.  Can you identify any other theories that would motivate employees to performance in case?
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Question 3: Job performance is a function of the components of motivation, ability, and environment.  What are the implications of assuming that a performance problem is due to the lack of motivation, as opposed to lack of ability? How different would a manager’s reactions be to an employee lacking motivation as opposed to ability?
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Question 4: Read 5.6 Disney Case and watch the video on youtube:



Watch Starbucks



Pick two of the motivation theories and discuss how they would apply in the Disney culture and organization related to both employee motivation and customer experience.


Pick one motivational theory from Chapter 5 that would be applicable to motivate employees given the “post pandemic” shifts discussed in the video.




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