I need help on the below discussion; I have to contribute

I need help on the below discussion; I have to contribute


Simulation and virtual learning are commonly used in a learning environment to foster experimental learning methods and enable students to practice skills by gaining hands-on learning with no risk of causing harm to the patient (Hebda et al., 2019). The nurse practice has more advantages now than before with technological advancement. The impact has left nurses more confident and knowledgeable and improved clinical skills and the decision-making process of nurses (Plotzky et al., 2021). Simulation and virtual learning mimic real-life situations and experiences through low and high-fidelity simulation and mannequin role play (Plotzky et al., 2021).

Ethical approval is not applicable (Plotzky et al., 2021). Some identified limitations have presented with psychomotor skills capabilities, and haptic experience is essential but cannot be performed by a mannequin. Special hardware and cost for the state-of-the-art technology require training and skills to operate and manage the care of the mannequins, and the cost of all the equipment and the upkeep can become expensive. Overall, from experience, the college I attended has an excellent simulation lab, and I learned a lot from those sims. However, there are certain limitations that mannequins cannot perform, so in those few areas, it does lack, but more is to be gained than what it lacks.

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