Baby K. was born prematurely at 32 weeks gestation to S.N., who is a 36-year-old Caucasian single mom.
Baby L. was born at 38 weeks gestation with sepsis to P.L., a 17-year-old Hispanic female and her boyfriend R.G., who is also 17.
Baby M. was born at 42 weeks and 4 days with an omphalocele and a broken clavicle to R.N., a 26-year-old Asian female and her husband C.N., who is 30 years old.
Answer the following questions:
List the physical and behavioral characteristics of each baby based on their gestational age.
Discuss the maternal conditions and circumstances that could have placed the newborns at risk for prematurity, infection, birth trauma, or congenital anomalies.
Describe the individual and family adjustment process to these high-risk newborns.
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