Explain how the below external forces are currently affecting industries in which Walmart competes as they relate to an increasingly internationally diverse society

  • Explain how the below external forces are currently affecting industries in which Walmart competes as they relate to an increasingly internationally diverse society:
  • Economic
  • Technological
  • Global
  • Explain Walmart’s marketing and sales goals. (Are they clearly stated and achievable, consistent with its mission and vision statement, and in alignment with the organization’s goals?)
  • Justify your rationale of whether or not the marketing and sales goals align with the organization’s goals, and if not, propose a solution on how the goals can better align. Be sure to use research to support your justification.

Next, create two parts of your SWOT – Opportunities and Threats (OT).

  • Identify at least 2 Opportunities and 2 Threats (Include this chart in your audit)
Opportunities Threats




  • Analyze the chart and recommend the one strategy you feel will improve the organization’s competition and bottom line. Include research supporting your recommendation.

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