1657 42-year-old male patient presents in the ICU with a diagnosis of MVA

42-year-old male patient presents in the ICU with a diagnosis of MVA. Vital signs are as follows: P 85, RR 13, BP 102/42, O2 sat 91% on room air, Temp 38, Pain 6/10.  The patient’s EKG shows a normal sinus rhythm with occasional ectopy.  Head-to-toe assessment is as follows: neurologically follows commands, PERLLA, respirations even and unlabored, clear breath sounds with incentive spirometer exercises measuring 1350mls, cardiac S1 and S2 heard, bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants, urine output in urinal measuring 750mls of clear urine, controlled movement in all 4 extremities, patient has been delirious and disoriented.  Skin is warm and pink, edema noted on left arm with a hot red patch of skin above central line dressing. Triple lumen central line has been flushed and Curo caps have been placed on the ends.
Patient becomes agitated and becomes diaphoretic.  Vital signs are as follows: P 105, RR 18, BP 100/38, O2 95% on room air, Temp 38.5, pain 6/10.  Patient states “I can tell you are a new nurse, you don’t know what you’re doing”.


The nurse notices the changes from 1657 to 2001. They begin to make a plan of care for the patient.

Which interventions would be indicated?


Potential Intervention Indicated Contraindicated
Give antibiotics
Place Foley catheter
Give client oxygen through nasal cannula
Print EKG strip to evaluate with MD
Maintain MAP at 65 mmHg
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