In the description of Dunphy and Stace (1988), which approach to strategic change involves visionary leadership, collaborative means, and large-scale discontinuous or radical change?
Group of choices:
Forced evolution
Participative evolution
Dictatorial transformation
Charismatic transformation
Which strategic metaphor employed in substitutive change (Cornelissen et al., 2011) focuses more on competitors than customers (Cespedes, 2014) and unintentionally promotes competitive individualism, low trust, and lack of cross-functional teamwork?
Group of choices:
Strategy as journey
Strategy as biological processes
Strategy as engineering
Strategy as warfare
In the form of organization development in strategic change known as action research (Heracleous, 2003), what step immediately follows diagnosis?
Group of choices:
Specifying learning
Action taking
Action planning
Which core element of the infrastructure model of strategic change (Heracleous, 2003) includes high-performance HR management practices and advanced staffing methods?
Group of choices:
Reward and recognition
Individual and team competence
Management processes and systems
Organization, team, and job design
In the view of Grant (2022) on strategic management trends, what CEO identity is most likely to decline in importance as organizations and environments become more complex?
Group of answers:
Judge of ethics
Social architect
Decision maker
Entrepreneur of meaning