The house wife 1950’s is quite different from today’s housewife as compared to their duties and responsibilities. It was a common routine for a wife to keep their house well managed and in order. This was in relation to the behaviors and character they had earned from their parents in their childhood (Gordon,2012). This, therefore, means that chronosystem also influenced their childhood development. At that time, a housewife had no money for herself and no career to help her earn money. She fully depended on her husband on everything she needed.
During the 1950s there was no need for them to go to the gym this is because her daily activates kept her physically active and fit. She walked long distances to and from the shop, she also took the children to school every morning and go for them after school (Inness,2001). Men would find food prepared by their wives while there was no fast food available and the had to prepare every meal for the huge family.
They were also trained by their parents and at school about their roles in future which was a contribution of the chronosystem in their child development. For her it was a pleasure looking after her family and home and she did it to her level best. Shopping for food was done on daily basis by the woman (Hofmann, 2007). This is because there were poor facilities for storing the fresh foods. They would visit the grocery stores by their own and carry out shopping for their homes.
Housewives no longer spend a lot of time looking after their kids, they employ maids to look after them and also take them to kindergarten when they are very young. Current day housewives work day and night and can involve in any field they want to. The modern-day housewife has neglected the house chores and left it to be done by someone else due to the fact that they are financially stable. Buying fast food has become very common in the modern-day housewives rather than cooking. Nowadays, housewives have involved themselves in gym activities due to more time and lack of certain duties that would facilitate body exercises such as house chores.
It is therefore evident that the modern-day housewife is different from the housewife of 1950’s. This difference has been brought by the chronosystem, duties, responsibilities, technology and education.
Gordon, L. (Ed.). (2012). Women, the state, and welfare. University of Wisconsin Pres.
Hofmann, E. T., & Buckley, C. J. (2012). Cultural responses to changing gender patterns of migration in Georgia. International Migration, 50(5), 77-94.
Inness, S. A. (2001). Dinner roles: American women and culinary culture. University of Iowa Press.