HCM 600 Research Project

HCM 600 Research Project

the Saudi electronic university

College of Health Sciences – Master’s Program in Health Care Administration

Guidelines for writing a research project

First, the cover page template

The university logo

Saudi Electronic University

Health Sciences Collage

Master of Healthcare Administration

HCM 600 Research Project

Research title


A Research Project

Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree Of

MSc of Healthcare Management


Presented by

          Student name ——————————-




               Supervisor name——– ———————




Date ——————

Second: the contents page

Table of Contents

Table of Figures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. iii

Table of Tables……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… iv


  1. Introduction (500 words)………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
  2. Literature Review (1500 words)……………………………………………………………………………….. 3
  3. Objectives (100 words) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  4. Methods (1000 words) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  5. Results (1000 words) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  6. Discussion (1000 words) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
  7. 7. Conclusionm (500 words) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
  8. Recommendation (500 words)
  9. References (More recent not more than 10 years)………………………………………………………...
  10. Appendixes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Third: How to write

1- English language

2- On the computer and send an email to the supervisor

3- Printing with laser printers

4- Writing on one side of each piece of paper

5- Font type and headings

The writing is in Font size 12, type Times New Roman

Titles are written in the middle of the page using Font Size 18(uppercase)

Headlines are with Font Size 16 Bold

Headings under headlines are using Font Size 14 Bold

Side title is with Font Size 12 Bold

Table titles using Font Size 12 Bold at the top of the table while figure titles using Font Size 12 Bold at the bottom of the figure

6- Lines: The writing should be a line and a half space between the lines

7- Margins: 3 cm on the right of the page and 2 cm on the left, in consideration of the binding process

8- Pagination: middle of the page down

9- Shapes:

The figure number must be mentioned and referred to in the body of the search, and it is placed with a serial number for each figure in parentheses (Figure 1, 2, 3…)

Shapes include graphs and photos

The figure is placed in the closest writing location to the pages in which the figure is mentioned

The number is written under the figure, preceded by the word “shape” and followed by two dots Figure 1: Then the title of the figure

The figures pages are numbered in sequence with the rest of the research project pages

  1. Tables

The table number must be mentioned and explained in the body of the research

The table shall be placed in the nearest place after its mention in the body of the writing of the pages in which the table is mentioned

Write the table title preceded by the word Table followed by its number Table 1

The sequence of table numbers according to their occurrence in the pages of the research project (1,2,3,—-)


Fifth: The content of the research project

Title page containing the name of the Saudi Electronic University – College of Health Sciences – Master of Health Care Administration Program), the title of the research, the name of the student and the supervisor and his scientific rank

Declaration page, in which the student submits a declaration that the research has been done and has not previously been published

Acknowledgment page in which thanks are given to those who provide scientific and material assistance

List of Abbreviations

List of contents

List of tables

List of figures

Abstract (-Summary)

The research project includes an abstract in Arabic and English within 200 words, and a summary of the research in English and in Arabic 1000 words to be placed at the end of the research project


Sixth: Classification of the research project

        Chapter One: Introduction

 It includes the research problem, its justifications, and its research procedures, provided that it does not exceed a maximum of one and a half pages (500 words).

     Chapter Two: Theoretical Framework and Studies (Literature Review)

              It includes the scientific background of the research, reviewing what was published about it, clarifying the importance and reasons for selection, so that the number of pages for this chapter does not exceed 30% of the volume of the research project (1500 words).

 Chapter Three: Research Objectives

            It includes the general objective and specific objectives of the research project (100 words).

Chapter Four: Materials and Methods

        This chapter is limited to mentioning experimental and theoretical methods, in which scientific experiments are explained and the system and method that was followed (1000 words) are explained.

Chapter Five: Results

  It includes a description of the most important results obtained and their statement in the form of tables and graphs, in addition to an explanation of the results (1000 words).

Chapter Six: Discussion

    It includes a statement of the importance of the results, their applications and repercussions, and a comparison of the results with what was previously obtained from other researchers in the published research, the points of agreement and differences, if any, and the researcher’s opinion on the reasons for this (the results and discussion may be placed in one chapter) – (1000 words)


     It includes a summary of the findings (500 words).

Recommendations: ((Recommendation

     The researcher’s recommendation on how to apply and use the results includes (500 words)


    It is taken into account that the references are recent not less than ten years, and a list of references is placed at the end of the research project, numbered according to their presence in the body of the project. The method adopted by the university, which includes

The name of the author and it is placed in his family name, then followed by the letter or initials of his other names, and if the reference has more than one author, all are mentioned in the same way and according to the sequence contained in the original reference

The title of the book and in the articles the full title of the research and the name of the journal are mentioned

Place of publication in the case of the book

–        Year of Publication

Volume-number-number-first and last page


   The tools that were used in the study include questionnaires, pictures, and others


Seventh: General notes

1- Each section or chapter begins with a new page

2- A separator sheet is placed at the beginning of each chapter and printed on it in bold type is the word of the first chapter, the introduction, the second chapter, the previous studies, and so on for the rest of the chapters.




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