Week 7:Research Paper The Correctional System

CRJ103- Introduction to Corrections

Research Paper


Week 7.


The research paper due for this course is to pick one of the following Special-Category Offenders and explain how they affect the correctional system. The choices to pick form are (1) Mentally Disordered Inmates, (2) Developmentally Challenged Offender, (3) Sex Offenders, (4) Transgender Inmates, or (5) Geriatric Inmates. Write on the past, present and future of this area, to include, but not limited to, how the system has addressed the issue, special accommodations needed, cost on the system, and finally how you think it should be addressed and changes needed for the future. The instructor must approve the topic prior.


The paper shall be in APA format, typed in 12 font Times New Roman, and shall not have been turned in previously to any other instructor for any other course or assignment.  Paper length is five to seven pages not to include the cover page or bibliography.  It is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document.  A minimum of 5 sources from cases, law reviews, professional journals, news media articles, academic journals or books is required. Wikipedia and other encyclopedias are not acceptable sources. All papers will be submitted through SafeAssign to reduce the potential of plagiarism.

Research Paper Rubric

  CRITERIA Deficient

(0 – 35 Points)

Development Needed to Proficient

(36-78 Points)


to Exemplary

(79 – 100 Points)

Points Earned

(100 Pts.)

1. Sources cited in Bibliography No sources to 1 sources.


(Points 0 – 3)

2 to 3 sources.


(Points 4-7)

4 or more sources.


(Points 8 – 10)

2. APA Format, Font size, etc. Does not follow formatting or required font size or in Times New Roman.

(Points 0-4)

Follows basic formatting. May not cite sources properly in text or Bibliography not correct.

(Points 4 – 8)

Follows the APA formatting including sources in text.


(Points 8 – 10)

3. Length of Paper Does not meet the minimum requirements.

(Points 0 – 4)

Meets the minimum requirements.

(Points 4 – 8)

Exceeds the minimum requirements.

(Points 8 – 10)

4. Adjusted Safe Assign Over 20 % of paper

(Points 0 – 4)

11 – 20 % of paper

(Points 4 – 8)

0 – 10 % of paper

(Points 8 – 10)

5. Topic Does not follow approved topic or slightly touches on it.

(Points 0 – 7)

Gives a general or small explanation of what the topic of the paper will be.

(Points 7 – 15)

Clearly explains in detail what will be discussed in the paper.

(Points 15 – 20)

6. Explain past, present and future of the topic Barely explains all three areas or does not even touch on one of the areas.

(Points 0 – 13)

Partially explains all three areas.

(Points 13 – 32)

Completely explains all three areas.

(Points 32 – 40)

Total Points:


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