How To Use Mind Maps To Unleash Your Brain’s Potential


Read the “What Are Mind Maps?” section of the article How to Use Mind Maps to Unleash Your Brain’s Potential. (uploaded below)Then make a mind map for applied anthropology. Especially illustrate how applied anthropology is being used and how it applies to real-life situations in environmental, health, business, or forensics settings. Your mind map can be hand drawn, or it can be created with a word processing program. Upload your mind map as a JPEG, a Word document, or a PDF. In your post, explain how your mind map relates to applied anthropology.



Researchers often go through several stages of data analysis and often conduct many different statistical tests to examine the data. For this discussion, find a journal article and analyze the results section of the article. Your article may use any type of research method, but it should not be a review article. Answer the following questions in your analysis.

  1. What were the independent and dependent variables in the study? Note that independent and dependent variables would only need to be identified in experimental designs.
  2. Summarize the statistical measures the authors used and what the findings were.
  3. Were the results statistically significant? Explain your answer.
  4. Do the results support the hypothesis? Explain your answer.
  5. What future directions might the research take given the findings?



Respond to the following prompts in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Consider a recent interaction you have had with a co-worker or item that you saw in the media that might have included logical errors.
  • Share the example as well as the logical errors that are present in the example. Be sure to use terms and concepts from the content covered this week to support your discussion. Make sure to discuss specific examples of logical errors and explain them using the concepts and terminology from the readings of this week.



Consider the various managerial skills and how these skills work within the different levels of an organization.

Respond to the following prompt in a minimum of 175 words:

  • How does the use of these skills help organizations to outperform others in their industry?
  • Assess how the four functions of management (e.g., planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) are effective in helping organizations meet their goals.


Image for article titled How to Use Mind Maps to Unleash Your Brain's Creativity and Potential

Mind mapping is one of the best ways to capture your thoughts and bring them to life in visual form. Beyond just note-taking, though, mind maps can help you become more creative, remember more, and solve problems more effectively. Whether you’re new to mind maps or just want a refresher, here’s all you need to know about this technique.

What Are Mind Maps?

Image for article titled How to Use Mind Maps to Unleash Your Brain's Creativity and Potential

A mind map is basically a diagram that connects information around a central subject. I like to think of it like a tree, although it has more of a radial structure. In any case, at the center is your main idea, say, poetry, and the branches are subtopics or related ideas, such as types of poetry, famous poets, and poetry publications. Greater levels of detail branch out from there and branches can be linked together.

Mind maps can be used for pretty much any thinking or learning task, from studying a subject (such as a new language) to planning your career or even building better habits. The Asian Efficiency blog offers a few unusual ways to use mind maps you might not have considered: create a knowledge bank (since mind mapping software lets you attach files and add links), solve problems (such as which credit card to use), create book summaries, and set goals. They’re great for teams to use as well, for group brainstorming and interactive presentations.


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