Semester Project- Research Paper on Customer satisfaction

 Semester Project    – Write a Research Paper on  Customer satisfaction. Please find the attached research proposal document.

 Use at least ten articles and 15-20 pages – use the template.

  • NO PDF FILES – all papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word
  • Times New Roman 12 Font
  • Double-Spacing
  • Avoid using “I” statements, APA does not allow first-person writing.
  • One Inch Margins
  • And more…using the 7th Edition as our guide.
  • Your reference list and your citations must match exactly – sources do not count if there is not a matching reference page credit and in-text citation.
  • No visuals in the papers themselves.   If need to help your write-up, then put in an Appendix.  Your written assignments must be all text.
  • No Abstract desired

In addition, I expect the following in your writing style this semester:

  • Use subject headers for all papers – your reader appreciates and expects that level or organization to your work!
  • Word count is computed from Introduction to Conclusion only.
  • No contractions & No abbreviations – if you are referring to the United States of America, write it out…do not write ‘US’ – this is not stellar academic writing.
  • This instructor prefers you credit all names the first time you use a source if multiple author’s names are present.  This is not an APA requirement, but an instructor requirement.  After that you may use et al.   When there are just two names, always write out both names.
  • Line spacing is double with 0 point spacing.
  • Only one citation credit allowed per sentence in this course. Choose the best source, this instructor validates all sources and I do not want two plus sources used per sentence.
  • Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces.  Use the templates as provided (download, save to your PC, and use as provided).
  • No extra blank lines inserted between sections – deliver a tight paper.
  • No bullet points, alphanumeric lists, or numbered list – write formally in full sentences / paragraphs.
  • Numbers one through nine within your paper should be written out
  • Cover page and reference page required for ALL paper submissions
  • Never use all capital letters
  • Use authored references for your research to earn full points.  An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME.   For example, your textbook is an authored source.  The United States Census Bureau is not an authored source.  But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source.
  • Always include the full URL as to where you found your research online articles – never just the home page
  • Avoid wikis, blogs, tweets, videos, dictionaries, and encyclopedias as outside references – use Masters-level sources like the Journal of Marketing or the Journal of International Business – No wikis, prezis, slideshares, dictionaries, encyclopedias, videos, interviews, & podcasts allowed as references – only scholarly written sources from well-respected sources.
  • Word count is from Introduction to Conclusion.  SafeAssign must be under 25%


University of the Cumberlands

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Marketing is an essential aspect of businesses. The power of marketing cannot be underrated because companies can inform the public what they are offering through it. However, marketing is not an easy job, and marketers face various challenges and sometimes make a mistake that later costs their businesses. This paper is going to review current problems facing the marketing discipline. I wish to study the following marketing issues, focus on the wrong audience, errors in data analysis, poor alignment with the sales team, and lack of time to take action. These have been common issues for many companies introducing new products in the market or those adding specific features to their already existing products.

Proposal marketing topic

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a measurement that examines how customers are happy with the organization’s products, services, and abilities. This measurement is important because it provides organizations with a metric to manage and improve customer service. Satisfied customers are easy to retain because they like what the company offers in terms of quality and price. One secret of marketing your business is through knowing how you can satisfy your clients with the products they want. Mastering customer’s tastes and preferences are one way of satisfying customers (Sadiq & Adil, 2021). Understanding your target audience will enable an organization to offer products that are required by that audience because need taste and preference of audience defer across audiences. Business owners should not assume that they know the needs of their customers; they should collect feedback through surveys, various focus groups, and social media views. Customer feedback will enable the companies to correctly identify the needs of different audiences and offer the right products that will significantly fulfill customers’ needs.


Business owners should understand the secret of marketing to gain a competitive advantage. Understanding customer’s needs through customer feedback will enable the company to avoid the wrong audience focus. They will be able to competently analyze market data that will guide them in making informed decisions. Customer satisfaction is key in sustaining or retaining customers because it is cheap to retain a customer rather than hunt for a new customer. Hunting a new customer is costly, but retaining a customer is easy. All businesses owners ought to master that secret and focus more on retaining customers by offering quality products and services.


Sadiq, M., & Adil, M. (2021). The mediating role of customer satisfaction and its effect on service quality-customer loyalty link. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 32(4), 520-535.


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