Company Website

















Project Three
Situation One: Test Case and Solution


These test cases are designed to test the functionality of all components of the sign-up form web service for the company website.

Within the table, you will write a test case for each form object present in the sample login page.

  • You will need to complete the Test Steps and Test Data columns for tests 1–8.
  • For test cases 9 and 10, you will create two new test cases of your own design for the username, email, and password fields within the sign-in form. For these fields, use the sections that have been pre-filled as an example.

The test cases (1–10) should take you through the process of testing the entire registration page.


After completing the table, use the resources available within the course to provide a possible solution to address the error.





Test Case Number Test Case Description Test Steps Test Data
1 Check response when valid form data is entered 1. Enter Username

2. Enter Email

3. Enter Password

4. Re-enter Password

5. Click Sign-up

2 Check Facebook sign-up allows registration
3 Check Twitter sign-up allows registration
4 Check Google+ sign-in allows registration
5 Check empty email field response
6 Check empty username field response
7 Check empty password field response
8 Check invalid sign-up credentials entered Username: Testuser


Password: wrongpass

Re-enter Password: wrongpass2



Inside the brackets, write your suggested solution to address the error presented in Situation One:

[Insert suggested solution here]



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