Growing Up With Siblings

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Growing up an only child Vs. Growing up with siblings














  1. Introductory paragraph

Growing as an only child has its, advantages as well as disadvantages. When one finds themselves as the only child, they will enjoy all the resources gathered by their parents. On the other hand, having siblings helps one have company and live up to older siblings’ standards.

  1. Thesis statement: While both growing up as an only child and growing up with siblings are birth orders, they vary by offering different yet unique experiences in personality development in terms of intellectual achievement, effective communication and socialization.

Supporting paragraphs

  1. Point A (body paragraph #1) topic sentence:

There are advantages and disadvantages of growing up as an old child and growing up with other siblings.

  1. Subpoint 1

Growing up as an only child enables one to be more independent; one will fend for themselves better. On the other hand, growing up in a family with more siblings reduces the pressure from parents.

  1. Subpoint 2

When one grows up as the only child, they will not be answerable to anyone if they go wrong; however, having siblings makes one responsible for what they do to guide their young siblings.

  • Subpoint 3

Growing up as an only child does not require one to follow any standards; in a family having siblings, one will be needed to live to older siblings’ standards.

  1. Subpoint 4

Those who have grown up as only siblings are mean naturally with life; they do not know how to share; those who have grown up with siblings have learnt sharing by giving to their siblings.

  1. Subpoint 5

Parents will spend time teaching children born alone to be independent; this will help build their confidence; while growing up with other siblings, one will have to learn to support and depend on each other.

  1. Point B (body paragraph #2) topic sentence:

Growing up as an only child may make one develop some senses slowly compared to one with other siblings.

  1. Subpoint 1

When a child hears other siblings talk, they will be able to develop speech faster than those born alone.

  1. Subpoint 2

Growing up with siblings makes one learn how to walk faster as they watch others play; however, growing up alone makes one learn slowly how to walk as there is no one they will emulate.

  • Subpoint 3
  1. Subpoint 4

Growing up as an only child will make one a slow learner compared to one who grew up with other siblings.

  1. Subpoint 5

Growing up with siblings helps one be more active by playing with siblings than growing up as an only child, which makes one remain dull as they have no one to play with.

  1. Point C (body paragraph #3) topic sentence:

Growing up as an only child is better as one will be independent and learn how to provide for their parents.

  1. Subpoint 1

Growing up as an only child makes one work hard; their parents rely on them for support, unlike those children with siblings, who will look up for another sibling to support the parents.

  1. Subpoint 2

Their parents teach children who grow up alone more responsibilities; they do not have older siblings to help them, this makes them more responsible

  • Subpoint 3

Children born alone in families are sometimes less responsible as their parents will love them more as they are the only children hence relieving them of more duties by giving them house helps to do more chores for them.

  1. Subpoint 4

A child who grows up alone does not have the opportunity of helping others; hence they are more dependent on their parents, which makes them less aggressive than those with siblings.

  1. Subpoint 5

Growing up in a family of more than one child may not be comfortable talking to adults, compared to those who grew up alone with parents hence having the opportunity to only talk to parents.

  1. Point D (body paragraph #4) topic sentence:

Growing up as an only child enables one to enjoy their parent’s attention without division.

  1. Subpoint 1

Parents with only one child will give them a lot of attention, enabling them to enjoy optimum love of a parent.

  1. Subpoint 2

Growing up in a family with other siblings will divide the parents’ love to other siblings; this may make a child feel sidelined by parents.

  • Subpoint 3

Growing up in a family of more than one sibling does not allow one to enjoy parents’ resources alone. One child in a family wants all the help making them develop themselves faster.

  1. Subpoint 4

Growing as an only child may affect a child’s social being. They will not be able to socialize well with other people compared to those from a family of more than one child.

  1. sub-point 5

growing up in a family with more than one child helps the child relate well with other people compared to one who grows up alone.

  1. Conclusion

In conclusion, I would recommend a family with more than one child as it is more advantageous to the children as it gives them the opportunities to learn from each other a lot of things.


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