Emergency Department

Mrs. J is admitted to the emergency department with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure. She was discharged from the hospital 10 days ago and comes in today stating, “I just had to come to the hospital today because I can’t catch my breath and my legs are swollen.” After further questioning, you learn that Mrs. J is strictly following the fluid and salt restriction ordered during her last hospital admission. Mrs. J reports gaining 1 to 2 pounds every day since her discharge.


Concept Map:

Identify two (2) priority nursing diagnoses for Mrs. J and develop a concept map to illustrate them (see example below).



Nursing Plan of Care

For each of the priority nursing diagnoses, establish one (1) goal. For each goal create two (2) nursing interventions.


Prioritized Nursing Diagnoses Goal Nursing Interventions
1. Ineffective Gas Exchange Pt will maintain oxygen saturations greater than 95% during my shift 1. Give oxygen as ordered

2. Monitor clients oxygen saturations

2. Fluid Volume Excess Pt will have decreased swelling in extremities by the end of my shift. 1. Administer diuretic as ordered

2. Monitor Intake and Output


Case Scenario:

Mrs. J is admitted to the emergency department with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure. She was discharged from the hospital 10 days ago and comes in today stating, “I just had to come to the hospital today because I can’t catch my breath and my legs are swollen.” After further questioning, you learn that Mrs. J is strictly following the fluid and salt restriction ordered during her last hospital admission. Mrs. J reports gaining 1 to 2 pounds every day since her discharge.


Concept Map:

Identify two (2) priority nursing diagnoses for Mrs. J and develop a concept map to illustrate them (see example below).



Nursing Plan of Care

For each of the priority nursing diagnoses, establish one (1) goal. For each goal create two (2) nursing interventions.


Prioritized Nursing Diagnoses Goal Nursing Interventions
1. Ineffective Gas Exchange Pt will maintain oxygen saturations greater than 95% during my shift 1. Give oxygen as ordered

2. Monitor clients oxygen saturations

2. Fluid Volume Excess Pt will have decreased swelling in extremities by the end of my shift. 1. Administer diuretic as ordered

2. Monitor Intake and Output


Mrs. J is admitted to the emergency department with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure. She was discharged from the hospital 10 days ago and comes in today stating, “I just had to come to the hospital today because I can’t catch my breath and my legs are swollen.” After further questioning, you learn that Mrs. J is strictly following the fluid and salt restriction ordered during her last hospital admission. Mrs. J reports gaining 1 to 2 pounds every day since her discharge.


Concept Map:

Identify two (2) priority nursing diagnoses for Mrs. J and develop a concept map to illustrate them (see example below).



Nursing Plan of Care

For each of the priority nursing diagnoses, establish one (1) goal. For each goal create two (2) nursing interventions.


Prioritized Nursing Diagnoses Goal Nursing Interventions
1. Ineffective Gas Exchange Pt will maintain oxygen saturations greater than 95% during my shift 1. Give oxygen as ordered

2. Monitor clients oxygen saturations

2. Fluid Volume Excess Pt will have decreased swelling in extremities by the end of my shift. 1. Administer diuretic as ordered

2. Monitor Intake and Output






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