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Week 2 Discussion 1: Identifying Movements and Types of Art – ART101 – LibGuides at Ashford University Library — Online



ART101 Museum and Image Websites
Museum and Image Websites
1. Art and artists | Tate (
2. Art Institute of Chicago (
3. Art Renewal Center Artist Index
4. The Frick Collection (
5. Google Art Project (
6. Guggenheim (
7. Louvre Museum Official Website (
8. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (
9. MoMA | The Museum of Modern Art (
10. National Gallery of Art (
11. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)
12. SIRIS – Smithsonian Institute Research Information System
13. Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York
14. The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
15. Uffizi, Uffizi gallery, Florence ( )
16. Vatican Museums – Official web site
( )
17. Victoria & Albert Museum (
18. Web Gallery of Art (
19. WebMuseum: Famous Artworks exhibition (
20. Whitney Museum of American Art (




Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 4 and 5 from the textbook, browse the Art Identifying Movements (Links to an external site.) interactive, looking over the different art movements, and reflect on the reading and video assignments for Week 1.

Next, select a work of art of your choice from the textbook, a website listed on the ART101 Museum and Images Websites  download document, one of the assigned virtual reality videos or tours, or visit your local museum. Your work of art should be different from the ones discussed in the Week 1 Exploring an Art Museum or Art History Gallery: Renaissance and Baroque discussions. Identify the movement the work of art is from, and locate a credible source on that movement from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library’s ART101: Week 2 Discussion 1 web page.

Complete the following:

Provide the title of the work, the name of the artist, the date the work was created, and the place the work was created.

Identify the stylistic period or movement of your work of art.

Drawing from the chapters in the textbook, the Art Identifying Movements (Links to an external site.) interactive, and your credible source, discuss what elements (subject, style, materials, etc.,) in the work are evidence of the work’s stylistic period or movement.

Identify whether your work of art is an example of representational art, abstract art, or non-representational art. What elements of this work are evidence of the work’s type?

Cite your sources as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.) guides on APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) and APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.). For works of art, follow the APA Style reference entry format using the APA Style: Artwork References (Links to an external site.) webpage as a guide.

Your initial post must be at least 200 words in length.

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