In the ‘Final Showcase’ Discussion Forum: Respond (minimum of 400 words each) to three Creative Projects by other students. —————Lovely sweetheart
Lovely Sweetheart
Greeting our hearts in a soft and warm hug,
Endearing you have always been
Rare and precious this love must be
And abhorrent those who believe otherwise,
Radiant your presence is; my lovely sweetheart,
Day and night you always run on my mind
Oh my, what a charming prince you are —– Perfect Gift
The Perfect Gift
There is a radiant glow,
Every week we both grow
And the feeling is exceptional.
I can’t hear you, but I can feel you.
As I’m eating for two,
It’s a blessing having you.
I feel tumblings in my belly,
Tickles is what I’m feeling.
It’s a painful process but it’ll all be worth it.
Soon or later you’ll have to come out,
And that’s what scares me,
Will I be good at it?
Don’t know,
but know I’ll try my best.
I can’t wait to meet you my boy,
Because you’ll be my most precious toy. ———— Success
In this life, how do you define success?
Who should decide if you succeed or fail?
Success isn’t written in stone.
The path to success is not simple.
Life throws curveballs at you called failure.
When life gets tough, you could take a pause.
However, it isn’t over until you give up.
Accepting what you have accomplished is
the most essential aspect of success.