Supportive Environments

For Part 2 of your Assignment, you build upon your work by recommending supportive environments, approaches, and strategies that will foster and support language development, acquisition, and literacy during each stage, toddler through primary. Be sure to include specific ideas, strategies, and approaches you would recommend to your child’s family to help support language and literacy development at home.

Module 4 Week 7 Assignment


Submit a draft of the Part 2: Section 2, Kindergarten Through Primary, to your Instructor.


For Part 2 of your Assignment, you build upon your work by recommending supportive environments, approaches, and strategies that will foster and support language development, acquisition, and literacy during each stage, toddler through primary. Be sure to include specific ideas, strategies, and approaches you would recommend to your child’s family to help support language and literacy development at home.


Just as this module is split into 2 weeks, so Part 2 of your Assignment is divided into two sections. You will complete the sections as follows:


  • Assignment Task : Section 2: Week 8: Kindergarten Through Primary (4 pages) Part 1 and 2


Kindergarten through Primary (4 pages)- Part 1

Write a 4 page paper on the stage through Kindergarten Through Primary on the Supportive environments, approaches, and strategies that help my child and his or her family to foster language and literacy development:

  • Language and literacy interactions between family members, caregivers, teachers and my child.
  • Language and literacy materials at home and in education settings.
  • Main literacy focus during kindergarten through third grade.

Summary Reflection Part 2

For this section of your assignment, include:


(A paper that is 1 ½  page in length….The paper must answer each requirement of the assignment regardless of length)

  1. Specific aspects of your child’s language and literacy development that required different supports. If applicable, strategies used with your child that were different than other children.
  2. Ways you involved your child’s family in a meaningful partnership to support their child’s language and literacy growth and development.
  3. Language and literacy approaches that you believe would be the most successful with your child and why these approaches were appropriate.
  4. As a result of this project, describe your philosophy of language and literacy growth and development. Include one or two strategies/approaches that you believe to be most effective for all children; how language and literacy overlap developmentally; strategies/approaches that are effective in simultaneously developing both language and literacy; whether you believe the two constructs should be addressed together and why. Be sure to explain your reasoning and substantiate your thinking with citations.
  5. For Part 2, you are required to cite at least three sources from the Learning Resources (from any Module), as well as three to five additional sources from your own research in APA format to substantiate your thinking.



Module 4 Week 8 Assignment Resources


  1. For Part 2, you are required to cite at least three sources from the Learning Resources (from any Module), as well as three to five additional sources from your own research in APA format to substantiate your thinking.




 Sources to Use from the Learning Resources (from any Module),




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