Linda Lwesanya
Health Education
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One coalition concept I noted during the video involved improving education, specifically public awareness. The intent was to get the community more involved in their well-being by conducting self-exams and other self-help initiatives in order to get people of color more cognizant of what they can do to decrease morbidity rates. The second initiative involved health outcomes. During the production of the video there was a large disparity between communities of color and Caucasian dominant areas (Building Better Communities, 2015).
Health disparities that could have contributed to morbidity numbers within communities of color that the coalition is trying to highlight include poverty, levels of unemployment, smoking, obesity, inactivity, and lack of accessibility to a medical provider. As a result, morbidity rates may increase due to conditions such as high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017).
REACH plans to advocate for access to healthier food options, improvement of housing conditions, foster recreational activities, and expand access to public transportation options. The combination of the campaign initiatives will hopefully improve health outcomes (Building Better Communities, 2015).
Legislative advocacy is when an individual engages with a policy maker
or legislator on the behalf of a specific group or population regarding a social or economic problem affecting that population or group. Direct lobbying requires communication about a specific legislation with a lawmaker. Both advocacy tactics are observed within the jarring video featuring Dr. Randy Paush as he strives to bring attention to research funding for the Pancreatic Cancer Network (Katura, 2015).
Voluntary policies, local ordinances, state law and federal law can affect health outcomes in target populations by way of what can be loosely described as a tier system. The issue can start off as a voluntary policy, implemented without intervention from the government. From there it can morph into a local ordinance (a.k.a. a policy) legislated by the local governing system. At that point, if the policy receives enough backing elected lawmakers can enact it on a state and federal level (Bensley, 2009).
Bensley, R. J. & Brookins-Fisher, J. (2009). Community health education methods: A practical guide (3rd ed.). Retrieved from!/4/2@0:85.4.
Building Better Communities. (2015, Jun. 1). Boston REACH coalition [Video file]. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Prevention and Control. (2017). African American health. Retrieved from .(2015, Jun. 1). Testimony to the labor health and human ser [Video file]. Retrieved from
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Amber Lopez-Gaxiola
week 3
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One of the coalition concepts I saw reinforced in the Boston REACH coalition video was demonstrating and developing community support or concern for issues (Bensley & Brookins-Fisher, 2009). This is done by educating the community and having conversations about health and personal behavior and helping them make better decisions for themselves. For instance, presentations on breast exams can educate the community on how to perform one at home, or remind them to make an appointment to get an exam. A second concept reinforced was improving trust and communication among community agencies to be able to tackle problems together and bring solutions. Collaboration with other organizations to cooperate and brainstorm together on better solutions for current problems affecting them worked on their favor. Both concepts are to reach health inequity, and engage everyone in conversations about healthy communities.
Some of the health disparities discussed on the video amongst people of color are breast cancer mortality, as well as asthma, diabetes, heart disease as being higher in than in white communities. These disparities are due to social conditions, resource unavailability in lower income communities such as parks or farmers markets that can help impact health positively. Boston REACH coalition helps by involving community members and educating them by providing them with information to better their health and that of their communities.
Two advocacy concepts seen on the Testimony to the Labor Health and Human Services by Dr. Randy Pausch were creating awareness of the issue and demonstrating concern for issues (Bensley & Brookins-Fisher, 2009). Dr. Pausch brought much needed attention to pancreatic cancer funding, as it had not been done before due to those who suffer from the disease die very quickly. He also demonstrated the low funding there is for research to find a cure or to make advancements for those that have it can have longer lives.
Local ordinances and state and federal laws affect health outcomes for target populations because they can cut funds to the programs or make no changes that desperately need help (Bensley & Brookins-Fisher, 2009). It is important to give public testimonies or share personal experiences so that public officials are aware that these funds are making a difference and people care about it. Advocating for the programs increases the likelihood it will succeed
Bensley, R. & Brookins-Fisher, J. (2009). Community Health Education Methods: A Practical Guide. Third Edition. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Building Healthier Communities. [@youtube]. (2015, June 01). Boston REACH Coalition.
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