
Powerpoint Assignment Instructions


This assignment will provide students the opportunity to further develop and apply the concepts from Ron Deal’s book, Dating and the Single Parent and key concepts from the course to a specific audience.  Based on Deal’s book and the course content students will develop a PowerPoint presentation in preparing single parents to have meaningful dating experiences.


This exercise will enable students to further develop the concepts from the course to specific populations and the ability to create a professional, visually appealing presentation.


Students will submit a PowerPoint Presentation in Module 5:Week 5.

  • A 14-15 – Slide PowerPoint
  • Number of References: Minimum of 5 scholarly sources in addition to Deal and PREPARE/ENRICH Content.
  • Required sources: Peer-reviewed articles published within the last five years.
  • Students will use the current APA standards citing and references resources. and present ideas in a professional (graduate level) writing and academic voice. Points will be deducted for failure to follow current APA Standards, which includes the use of correct proper citations, and references.
  • Slides
  • Title Slide
  • Slide with at least 3 specific learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are essentially what your audience will gain by participating in the training.  For example: At the end of this presentation the audience will be able to” (Example): discuss, identify, articulate, define, particular aspects that you desire for them to learn and gain from the training exercise.
  • Slide with “Defined Audience and Location. For example, the audience would be a group of single parents hosted by identifying the group such as a church or faith group.
  • Date and Times of the Proposed Meeting
  • Location of the Proposed Meeting
    • Presentation Slides:
      • Identify and integrate key concepts from Dating and the Single Parent (Deal), PREPARE/ENRICH, and scholarly research for your audience that will assist them in understanding decision-making regarding dating as a single parent. Focus on creating a focused and integrated presentation versus repeating what is provided in any of the course or scholarly sources.
      • Provide subpoints which support your primary key concepts.
      • Include “ice-breakers” or other activities that you use to engage your audience to build a sense of group cohesiveness.
      • Include biblical references
      • Cite sources in the Presentation Slides
      • Limited graphics can be included as needed.
    • Conclusion: Summarize key points addressed in the PowerPoint presentation.
    • Reference slide

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