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The text of this case is taken in part from Chapter 2, Section II of Leonard Weiss’s Case Studies in American Industry, 2nd ed. (New York: John Wiley, 1971). All dollar figures in the original have been multiplied by 6 to bring them approximately to current real equivalents.
“In some types of agriculture, experimental studies have been made that show short-run cost patterns quite precisely. One of the most extensive of these was in dairying. Several hundred cows at 10 experimental stations in a number of states were fed at various levels for three years and their milk production compared.”
“The feed ‘inputs’ that went with the various milk outputs are shown in [Table 1]. A cow requires a certain amount of feed simply to maintain herself. Beyond that, more feed leads to more milk, but at a decreasing rate. The cows fed at high levels produced more than less generously treated cows, but, as we would expect, milk output did not increase as fast as feed consumption.”
Table 1 |
Number of Cows in Each Group | Average (Per Cow) Total Digestible Nutrients Consumed (pounds per year) |
Average (per cow) 4% Fat Corrected Milk Produced (pounds per year) |
65 | 5,654 | 7,626 |
60 | 6,117 | 8,184 |
66 | 6,575 | 8,824 |
55 | 7,132 | 9,400 |
52 | 7,531 | 9,780 |
94 | 7,899 | 9,965 |
“These production figures can be used to estimate the costs of a hypothetical dairy farm. Imagine a 25-cow farm near one of the large cities on the eastern seaboard. Let it produce enough hay, silage, and pasture to provide 3,000 pounds of feed per cow per year [at zero cost]. For simplicity, assume that purchased feed [that is, above the 3,000 pounds the cows get from foraging] is the only variable cost. The farm might have the following fixed costs per year:
Table 2 |
Depreciation and Maintenance of Buildings and Equipment | $4,800 |
Property Taxes | $2,400 |
Miscellaneous (For Example, Seed, Fertilizer, Gasoline, Veterinarian, Marketing) | $7,800 |
Labor (3,300 Hours at $6.00) | $19,800 |
Interest (5% on $144,000) | $7,200 |
Total | $42,000 |
“Labor is treated as a fixed cost because the operator and his family do all the work. In many non-farm businesses, labor is the leading variable cost, but in American agriculture, three quarters of the labor is supplied by the farmers and their families. This sort of labor will be employed no matter what the farm produces. A farmer can hardly fire his wife if he has a bad year.” [Note: The divorce rate was much lower in the 1960s. Is this still true?]
“The only way to put a value on this family labor is by looking at its opportunity cost, that is, what it can earn in its best alternative employment. In 1964, hired farm labor was paid about [$6.00] an hour on average. The farmer undoubtedly could earn more than this in the city, but for most American farmers, a dollar on the farm is worth more than one in the city.”
We can calculate cost figures for this farm based on the production data in Table 1 and the assumption that “total digestible nutrients” cost $0.24 per pound. Applying this feed cost to each of the 25 cows on our hypothetical farm for the six feed levels shown in Table 1 and adding in fixed costs from Table 2, we get the approximate relationship shown in Table 3 between milk output and fixed and variable costs.
Table 3 |
Total Output (1000s of pounds of milk per year) | Total Fixed Costs
(dollars per year) |
Total Variable Costs
(dollars per year) |
Total Costs (dollars per year) |
0 | 42,000 | 0 | 42,000 |
200 | 42,000 | 18,000 | 60,000 |
210 | 42,000 | 19,500 | 61,500 |
220 | 42,000 | 21,300 | 63,300 |
230 | 42,000 | 23,400 | 65,400 |
240 | 42,000 | 26,100 | 68,100 |
250 | 42,000 | 30,000 | 72,000 |
260 | 42,000 | 36,000 | 78,000 |
This analysis has assumed a farm size of 25 cows; however, there may be important differences in costs associated with having farms that are smaller or larger than this. The 1960s were a period of transition for the agriculture sector of the U.S. economy. Average farm size was getting larger, with automation of farm processes causing small family operations to be merged into larger enterprises. Because the transition to large farms was just beginning, there was a wide distribution of farm sizes, and it was easy to observe the costs of small and large farms side by side.
This section of the case focuses on data about dairy farms from the 1964 Census of Agriculture. Using the data collected by the Census about the operations of dairy farms, it is possible to construct estimated cost curves for farms of various sizes. Table 4 (taken from Weiss) describes the operations of farms broken down into six size categories: Class I is “large-scale farms” (more than $40,000 annual sales, or $210,800 in 1998 dollars), Class II is “large family farms” ($20,000–$39,999 annual sales, or above $105,400 in 1998 dollars), Class III is “upper medium family farms” ($10,000–$19,999, or above $57,700 in 1998 dollars), Class IV is “lower medium family farms” ($5,000–$9,999, or above $28,800 in 1998 dollars), Class V is “small family farms” ($2,500–$4,999, or above $14,400 in 1998 dollars), and Class VI is “small scale,” which is anything smaller than Class V. Farms that were operated by individuals over 65 years old or where the operator worked more than 100 days during the year away from the farm were excluded as not being representative of “full-time farms.”
Table 4 |
Census Class | Average Number of Cows per Farm | Number of Farms (1000s) | Milk Produced per Cow (pounds per year) | Gross Sales per Man-Year (dollars) | Total Investment per $100 of Gross Sales (dollars) | Purchased Inputs per $100 of Gross Sales (dollars) | Estimated Cost of $100 of Gross Sales (dollars) |
I | 130 | 15.4 | 10,250 | 20,000 | 345 | 54.5 | 78 |
II | 49 | 53.2 | 9,590 | 14,500 | 407 | 42.9 | 84 |
III | 31 | 117.3 | 8,463 | 10,450 | 450 | 38.9 | 97 |
IV | 20 | 104 | 7,050 | 6,100 | 531 | 38 | 126 |
V | 13 | 59.3 | 5,350 | 3,345 | 670 | 43.4 | 183 |
VI | 7 | 17.7 | 3,778 | 1,402 | 1,078 | 55.2 | 346 |
We can think of these cost figures for farms of various scales as representing observations on the long-run cost curve for dairy farming. The final column is interpreted as an estimate of average cost for farms in each scale category. For each category, there is presumably a short-run average cost curve that is “enveloped” inside the long-run average cost curve as in Baye and Prince Figure 5–13.