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To evaluate the outcomes of an EBP project, be they be psychosocial, functional, physiologic or process related, it is essential to collect dependent and independent variables. One dependent variable that I would collect in evaluating my evidence based project is the health outcomes of the patients. This variable is important to my EBP project in that it is determined by the application of my intervention before, during and after. The health outcomes in this case include a reduction in the occurrence of symptoms, blood loss, increased rates of infection occurrence, increased hospital stay and reduced hospital readmissions after discharge. Evaluating the incidence or prevalence of these health outcomes which are adverse to patient health well-being over a given period of time would help in the assessment of whether there was successful implementation of the EBP project (Watson, Stimpson, Topping, & Podorock, 2016). An independent variable is the subsequent application of the evidence based project by physicians, nurses and doctors in the health facility where it is implemented. This independent variable can be supported by further nursing education or education among other members of staff in the facility and the adoption of the required skills by the said members of staff. This subsequent uptake can be useful in determining the prevalence of the above mentioned patient outcomes.
Source: Watson, R., Stimpson, A., Topping, A., & Podorock, D. (2016). Clinical competence assessment in nursing: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 39(5), 421-431.
Bostrom, A., Rudman, A., Wllin, L., Ehrenberg, A., & Gustavsson, J. (2013). Factors associated with evidence-based practice among registered nurses in Sweden: a national cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 13(165), 165-175. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-165
One of the important ways to disseminate knowledge is through a public presentation. It is worthy of note that professional presentation is not as easy as it seems, and requires adequate preparation if one must make a good presentation. According to Wellstead et al (2017), rehearsing to gain topic knowledge, knowing your audience, creating good PowerPoint presentation slides, sticking to allotted time, good verbal and non-verbal communication skills are essential for successfully delivering an engaging presentation.
Thus, when it comes to professional presentations, the personal strength that I have is the capacity to use verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Over time I have learnt to communicate fluently and also use eye contact and other body language during an oral presentation; and I hope this skill will be valuable when presenting my findings in a more formal setting. On the other hand, my major weakness regarding professional presentations is becoming nervous in the presence of an unfamiliar audience. One method that I can employ to improve on both my strength and weakness regarding professional presentations is to adequately prepare for the presentation. Rehearsal and a mock presentation can be of great help.
I think it is pertinent for me to work on these skills if I want to present my findings in a more formal setting because it will go a long way to enhance my confidence and knowledge of the subject matter/topic under presentation.
Wellstead, G., Whitehurst, K., Gundogan, B., & Agha, R. (2017). How to deliver an oral presentation. International Journal of Surgery. Oncology, 2(6), e25.