Formative feedback is provided throughout the semester in your in-class workshops/tutorials. Your workshop leader will work with you providing you with real-time feedback based on the work that you share with her/him. If you come prepared to your workshops then your workshop leader will have more opportunity to provide you with formative feedback.
Summative feedback will be provided in the marking rubric. We will provide comments in each cell of the marking rubric and in the general comments section at the end. We aim to provide feedback that is:
I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration. (Links to an external site.)
This assignment assesses Learning Objectives 1 and 5
This assignment is designed to get you to identify and analyse the contextual elements that define the challenge faced by the partner organisation. You are to present your analysis in a business report format. This involves undertaking and external and internal analysis of the organisation and making predictions about its potential role for the case study organisation.
Other useful information:
Further discussion about the 1st assignment: