Abuse in families

This assignment is designed to help you explore and articulate the various types of abuse that can occur in families (course learning goal #1).  For success with this assignment, you should include what you learned through the week’s reading assignments and instructional video

Please create a 12-slide Power Point presentation about child abuse.  There should be 10 slides of text, plus a title slide and a reference slide.  Each slide should contain 3-4 bullet points of content (complete sentences are not necessary, but the bullet points should each contain enough text to sufficiently communicate your thoughts).  Each slide should contain examples and also visual graphics to enhance the presentation.  Please follow the guidelines below to structure your presentation:

Slides 1-2: introduction.  These slides should provide an overview of the presentation.  The audience for the presentation should be clearly identified; for example, this presentation could be used in a church setting, school setting, parenting class, etc.  The purpose and/or goals of the presentation should be clearly identified.

Slides 3-4: physical abuse.  These slides should discuss child physical abuse, including what constitutes physical abuse and what does not constitute physical abuse.  Responsibilities of mandated reporters should be discussed.  Examples should be provided.

Slides 5-6: child sexual abuse.  These slides should discuss child sexual abuse, including what constitutes sexual abuse.  Responsibilities of mandated reporters should be discussed.  Examples should be provided.

Slides 7-8: child neglect.  These slides should discuss child neglect, including what constitutes neglect and what does not constitute neglect.  Responsibilities of mandated reporters should be discussed.  Examples should be provided.

Slides 9-10: faith integration and conclusion.  These slides should discuss the connection between the Christian message and serving as an ethical human service professional.  What does Scripture have to say about helping others, especially those who have been hurt?  Provide examples and discuss your concluding thoughts about child abuse.

Your presentation  should be in proper APA format (if you are unsure of APA formatting, please reference the materials provided in the Week 0 learning activity).  Your presentation should include at least 3 peer-reviewed references, which should be cited throughout the slides.  You are welcome to use the Hines et al text and any published journal articles.  Websites are not considered valid references in academic work.  A great place to find peer-reviewed journal articles is the Social Sciences Full Text database provided through the CBU library website:


1.  Read Ch 2: Child physical maltreatment (Hines, et al, 2013)

2.  Read Ch 3: Child sexual maltreatment (Hines, et al, 2013)

3.  Read Ch 4: Child neglect and psychological maltreatment (Hines, et al, 2013)

4. Read the California Department of Education website regarding mandated reporting guidelines:

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